智能化建筑的兴起极大地促进图书馆建筑的发展 ,智能化设计也成为图书馆建筑的发展趋势。综合布线技术是智能建筑的重要组成部分 ,直接关系到图书馆智能化水平的程度。结构化综合布线以其标准化、模块化、兼容性、先进性和灵活性的优点在图书馆建设中得到实践与运用。
The popularity of intelligence building has greatly Prompted the development of the construction of libraries. As a result, it is a tendency to utilize intelligence design in the construction of libuaries. Comprehensive wiring technology is a critical part of intelligence building, related closely to the intelligence level of a library. With the advantages of standardization, modularization, compatibility, advance and flexibility, structual comprehensive wiring has been used in the construction of libraries.
Journal of Jinzhu University of Guiyang
贵阳金筑大学 2 0 0 4年校级课题<图书馆建设及相关问题研究>成果之一