禁毒情报服务要求主动服务、正确服务、及时服务和充分服务。但是,当前的禁毒情报服务 存在服务方式被动、服务功能单一、服务内容浅层次以及服务对象主要针对执行层等问题。禁毒情报服 务的途径主要有:查询途径、加工途径、传递途径、研究途径等。禁毒情报服务的方式主要有:个案侦查 中的禁毒情报服务和宏观决策中的禁毒情报服务。前者有从人到案和从案到案的方式,后者有传递、交 流及报导的方式。
Information service for prohibition of drugs is active, correct, timely, and adequate. However, current information service for prohibition of drugs has many defects which included passive service manner, single service function, simple service level, and special service object of executive structure. The methods of information service for prohibition include search, process, transmission, and study. The models of information service for prohibition include case study and overall policy decision. The former is from person to case or from case to case. The latter is the way of exchange and report.