目的 :探讨海洛因依赖者海马容积与磁共振质子波谱 (1 HMRS)的改变特征。方法 :对 13例海洛因依赖者和12例健康对照组行磁共振 (MRI)海马容积测量和1 HMRS检查。结果 :海洛因依赖者显示双侧海马容积比正常对照组有明显缩小 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 ) ;双侧海马1 HMRS示NAA Cr低于正常对照组 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 :海马参与了海洛因依赖的病理生理过程 ,1 HMRS能显示海马区的神经元受损。
Objective: To study the MRI volum e of hippocampus and changes of 1HMRS in patients with heroin dependence. Methods: MRI and 1HMRS were performed in 13 heroin abuser s and 12 non-drug abusers as control. Results: The volume of bilateral hippocampus of the patients was significantly smaller compared with th e controls'. 1HMRS revealed that NAA/Cr ratio in the patients was reduced. Conclusion: The results of this study supports to the view that hippocampus may participate in the pathophysiology of heroin depe ndence. The reduced NAA/Cr on 1HMRS provides evidence for neuronal damage in heroin abusers.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence