坚持以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心。烟草行业能否做到以人为本 ,关键在于能否正确理解专卖制度的本意要求 ,并始终把国家利益和消费者权益放在突出的位置。要坚持平稳发展 ,进行反周期调节 ,确保烟草行业可持续发展——杜绝急于求成 ,急功近利的思想 ;加快企业联合重组 ,深化内部管理体制改革 ;下大力气夯实烟叶基础 ,避免烟叶出现问题 ;完善宏观调控 ,为企业创造良好的宏观环境。要大力推进科技进步和管理创新 ,切实转变烟草经济增长方式——不单纯追求税利增长 ,大力推进科技进步 ,推进产品结构的优化调整 ,加快资源整合 ,推动企业走集聚式发展道路。顺应入世要求 ,积极实施走出去战略 ,拓展参与国际市场竞争的新途径 ,着力打造“中国烟草”品牌 ,建设跨国经营人才队伍。按照科学发展观的要求 ,处理好专卖专营与市场竞争、集中统一与地方利益、总量控制与满足消费、宏观调控与搞活企业。
Adhere to the people-oriented is the core of scientific development concept. The key that the tobacco industry could persist on people-oriented lies in correctly understanding the original idea of the monopoly system and placing the national benefit and consumers' rights and interests on the outstanding position at all time. In order to maintain a steady development, measures should be taken to regulate against cycle. Therefore, focus should be placed on the following: push hard for enterprises consolidation and restructuring, deepen internal reforms on management system; make great efforts to steady the fundamental role of tobacco leaves; perfect macro-control to create good macro-environment for enterprises. At the same time, the vital issues are to push hard for innovations in technology and management to change the economic growth style of the tobacco industry. To comply with the WTO requirements, we should exploit new ways to participate in the competition of global market, put forth efforts to establish Chinese tobacco brand, and build the talents team for international operation. For Chinese tobacco industry's reforms and development, according to the requirements of scientific development concept, the following five relationships should be dealt with properly: the monopolization and exclusive business system and market competition, centralization and regional benefit, cigarette output volume control and ability to meet consumers' demand, macro-control and enterprise revitalization, production-operation and capital-operation.
Acta Tabacaria Sinica