果实可溶性固形物含量测定方法简单 ,冰点测定方法复杂 ,将果实可溶性固形物含量同冰点的关系建立起回归模型 ,可以根据可溶性固形物含量快速估算出冰点 ,对于果品蔬菜的冷藏和冷冻加工具有重要意义。利用T型热电偶、HP34970A数据采集仪和计算机联用 ,测定了 2 4个品种果品蔬菜活组织的冰点温度以及鸭梨汁、葡萄汁和番茄汁的冰点温度 ,利用PR - 10 1型折光仪测定了果实可溶性固形物的含量。结果表明 ,果实可溶性固形物含量和冰点温度呈高度相关 ,其回归方程为Y =- 0 .16 7X - 0 .5 6 6。 2 4个品种果品蔬菜活组织均有典型的冰点曲线。马奶葡萄比马奶葡萄汁的冰点温度低 1.2℃。
The method of measuring soluble solids content is very simple, but measuring freezing point is very complicated. In this study, the relationship between the soluble solids content of fruits and vegetables and freezing point was investigated to calculate freezing point quickly according to soluble solids content. The freezing points of 24 breeds of fruits and vegetables, 'Ya' pear juice and grape juice and soluble solids content were measured separately using T thermocouple, HP34970A data collector with a computer and using PR-101 refractometer. The results show that there is a high correlation between soluble solids content and freezing point. The recursive model is a beeline equation (Y=-0.167X-0.566). All the 24 breeds have typical freezing curves. The freezing point of 'Ya' pear fruit is 0.26℃ lower than that of Ya pear juice. Grape's freezing point is 1.2℃ lower than that of grape juice.
Journal of Refrigeration
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 0 170 665 )