试验表明,花生叶面喷施锰肥,能减轻甚至避免因缺锰引起的生理性病害发生,平均增产3.8%~20%.适宜喷施时期与用量:以在初花期用0.2% MnSO4溶液叶面喷施一次为宜,用量为1.8 kg/hm2.
The study showed that the physiological disease of peanut due to Mn-deficiency could be reduced even avoided by spraying application of MnSO_4. And the rate of increase in the yield were 3.8%~20%. The suitable usage of MnSO_4 was applied by spraying on the foliage at the incipient blooming period.The dosage was 1.8 kg/ha at the density of 0.2%.
Journal of Peanut Science