用气相色谱法对土壤中多环芳烃的质量分数进行了测定.根据对南京某炼焦厂、某炼钢厂、某芳烃厂、某炼油厂、某化肥厂和附近居住区土壤中PAHs的监测结果,首次报导了南京地区典型工业生产区(厂区)和附近居住区土壤中PAHs的污染特征.结果显示,炼焦厂厂区土壤中PAHs的质量分数最高,达到17638.1 μg/kg,化肥厂最低,仅为287.5 μg/kg,各行业土壤中PAHs的质量分数水平从高到低顺序为:炼焦厂>炼钢厂>芳烃厂>炼油厂>化肥厂.炼焦厂土壤中PAHs的特征因子主要是苯环数在3~5之间的芳烃化合物,特征因子质量分数之和占PAHs质量分数的百分率为96.3%;炼钢厂土壤中PAHs的特征因子主要是苯环数在3~4之间的芳烃化合物,特征因子质量分数之和占PAHs质量分数的百分率为46.8%;炼油厂土壤中PAHs的特征因子主要是苯环数在3~4之间的芳烃化合物,特征因子质量分数之和占PAHs质量分数的百分率为57.1%;芳烃厂土壤中PAHs的特征因子主要是苯环数在3~4之间的芳烃化合物,特征因子质量分数之和占PAHs质量分数的百分率为52.2%;化肥厂土壤中PAHs的特征因子主要是苯环数为2的苊烯、苊,特征因子质量分数之和占PAHs质量分数的百分率为24.6%.在本次调查的5种类型工业生产区土壤中PAHs污染的特征因子的苯环数主要集中在3~5之间,其中特征因子荧蒽检出率占样品数的80%;菲次之,为60%.由于受到多种原因的影响,典型工业污染区(厂区)附近居住区土壤中PAHs的质量分数水平的排序与典型工业污染区(厂区)的排顺不一致,表明居住区PAHs质量分数变化与工业污染源尚未有直接相关性.炼油厂附近居住区土壤中PAHs的质量分数最高,达3111.0 μg/kg;炼焦厂附近居住区土壤中PAHs的质量分数最低,达462.3 μg/kg.居住区土壤中PAHs的质量分数从高到低顺序为:煤油厂附近居住区>化肥厂附近居住区>芳烃厂附近居住区>炼�
The mass fraction measurement of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the soils of typical urban industrial production areas and their neighboring residential areas in Nanjing by using gas chromatography was conducted. According to the inspections and measurement results of the PAHs in the soils of some Coking Plant, Steel-melting Plant, Arene Plant, Oil Refining Plant, Fertilizer Plant and their neighboring residential areas, the pollution characteristics of PAHs in the soils of these typical industrial production (workshop) areas and the residential areas nearby are firstly reported in this paper. The results show that the soil in the workshop area of Coking Plant contains the highest mass fraction of PAHs as many as 17 638.1 μg/kg, while that of the Fertilizer Plant contains the lowest mass fraction only as many as 287.5 μg/kg. The sequence of the mass fraction of PAHs in soils in different industries is as follows: Coking Plant>Steel-melting Plant>Arene Plant>Refinery>Fertilizer Plant. The characteristic factors of PAHs in the soil of Coking Plant are aromatic compounds with 3~5 benzene rings mainly and they account for 96.3% of the total mass fraction of PAHs. While the characteristic factors of PAHs in the soils of Steel-melting Plant, Oil Refining Plant and Arene Plant are aromatic compounds with 3~4 benzene rings mainly and the compounds in each soil account for 46.8%, 57.1% and 52.7% of the total mass fraction of PAHs, respectively. PAHs in the soil of Fertilizer Plant are acenaphthylene and acenaphthene with 2 benzene rings mainly, accounting for 24.6% of the total mass fraction of PAHs. The number of the benzene rings of the characteristic factors of PAHs pollution in the soil of the five inspected industrial production districts mainly varies from 3 to 5, and among them, the detectable rate of characteristic factor fluoranthene reaches 80% of the samples, followed by phenanthrene, 60% of the samples. Influenced by many factors, the sequence of mass fraction of PAHs in
Ecology and Environmnet