目的 总结了八年实验动物裸小鼠繁殖和应用。方法 用随机抽取 2 0窝BALB/c裸小鼠繁殖生育情况分析和 5只BALB/c母鼠 (nu/ +)四胎生育情况比较。结果 BALB/c裸小鼠平均每胎产仔 9 35只 ,用nu/ +雌与nu/nu雄交配方法繁殖 ,平均每胎所得纯合子仔鼠能占仔数的 5 5 0 % ,离乳率 97% ,1~ 4胎生育恒定 ,一年存活率达10 0 % ,最长生存期可达 75 2d。微生物检测结果未发现致病菌 ,寄生虫等。结论 空气过滤十万级环境加上生物层流柜达一万级的条件 ,只要严格执行无菌操作 ,裸小鼠繁殖可基本达到SPF要求。
Objective To summarize the experience of the reproduction and application of the experimental animal nude mice for 8 years in our laboratory. Methods Randomly drawing out 20 litters of BALB/c nude mice and 5 maternal nude mice.analyze t heir generational state. Results Averagely, one BALB/c nude mou se gives birth to 9.35 mice every time. Female nu/+ and male nu/nu crossbreeding, 55.0 per cent of offspring are nu/ nu homozygous mice,and 97.0 per cent of offspring survives after ablactation.From the first-born to forth-born,the fecundity is steady, the survival rate for 1 year is 100 per cent,and the longe st survival period is 752 days.Microbiological detection couldn’t find any pathogen or parasite whic h should be controlled. Conclusion Under the condition of 100?000 grade air filtrating and in 10?000 grade lamina r flowing cabinet,with strict aseptic manipulation,we bred qualified specific pathogen free(SPF) nude mice.
Laboratory Animal Science & Administration
Nude mice
Laminar flowing cabinet
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