VOA广播新闻是英语专业学生听力训练的重要内容 ,也普遍认为是他们的难点之一。本文选用了用特别英语和标准英语报道同一新闻事件的两则 VOA广播新闻稿 ,从语境配置入手进行分析 ,发现这两种新闻稿的话语基调不同 ,导致了语篇结构、评价资源利用等方面的差异。
Listening to VOA news is an essential part in listening comprehension training for English majors, and it is also a difficult part for them. This is especially true with Standard English. This paper analyzes the contextual configurations of the same news broadcast in Special English and Standard English respectively. The analysis reveals that the two versions of the same news differ in the tenor of discourse and brings to light the differences in textual structure and in the employment of evaluation resources.
Journal of Xi'an Foreign Languages University