商品房买卖登记包括两种类型 ,即商品房预售登记和房屋产权 (所有权 )登记 ;商品房预售登记使债权具有物权性 ,房屋产权登记旨在发生物权变动的公示与公信力。通过对不动产登记的理论及各国的立法例的研究 ,分析了登记与房屋买卖合同的关系 :产权登记与房屋买卖合同相区分 ,不影响合同的效力。针对我国不动产登记中存在的问题 。
The registration of deal of marketable housing includes two types: presell registration and registration of property right. With a study on the theories of real property registration and legislations in other countries, the thesis brings out its suggestion to the existing problems in current registration regulations of real property in China.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law