20世纪初期流行一时的无政府主义思潮对周作人影响甚深。留日期间 ,周作人成为无政府主义刊物《天义》的主要作者 ,在女子革命问题上逐渐接受了“天义”派无政府主义者的观点 ,强调私有财产才是女性问题的根源 ,从而以社会革命作为女子革命的最终解决手段。同时 ,他还对俄国无政府主义思想家克鲁泡特金产生了浓厚的兴趣 ,并从革命精神和文学理论两方面介绍了克氏的主张 ,从而为后来五四时期提出的带有无政府色彩的新村理论奠定了思想基础。
Zhou Zuoren was influenced deeply by the then anarchism prevalent over the world in the early 20 th century.This article shows that he began to take interest in this school of thought during his study in Japan,which is made evident in his theory of“female revolution”and literary criticism.And that laid the foundation of his theory of“New Village”.
Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)