民本思想是儒家传统文化中的一个重要概念 ,对古代社会政治与法律的发展产生了深远的影响。它是统治者制定政策与法律的立脚点。其内涵为关心民瘼 ,注意民众的舆论与情感 ,要求统治者自律 ,省徭薄敛。这对于促进社会发展 ,减轻广大人民群众的苦痛有一定的积极作用。但是我们也应该看到这种“民本”思想具有其局限性 ,它是自给自足的自然经济的产物 ,与小农经济相适应 ,是宗法伦理社会的内在要求 ,是“外王”的一个重要手段 ,与今日的民主政治不可同日而语。因此必须加以批判继承 ,借以弘扬传统法律文化民主性精华 ,推动社会主义精神文明与民主法制建设。
In chinese tradition culture idea that thought of common people first is cardinal play a important role on ancient politics and law. It is also a fundamental tool for the rule laying down policy and law .The content of idea is that the rulers should care for their people,public sentiment. It ask the ruler self-discipline,and don't exploit subjects of a feudal ruler extremely.The idea play a positive role .But the theory is a product of natural economicy, different with concept of update democracy. We must criticize the idea seriously,meanwhile we should alse adopt its cream so that it could serves our society