钱钟书的《谈艺录》突破了“中体西用”的文化、思维模式 ,站在中西文化、中西诗学的交汇点上来探讨普天下共有的“诗眼”、“文心”。这种“打通”式的研究使得《谈艺录》不仅在内容上 ,更在方法论上成为中国诗话史上难以逾越的顶峰。钱氏渊雅浩博的学力和洞微烛隐、老吏断狱的眼力为他从事“打通”式研究提供了可能。而在此基础上形成的敢向历代名家论短长的学术魄力 ,更体现了钱学独有的魅力。这些对于我们今天的学术研究颇有启示。
In 'The Art of Poetry', Qian Zhongshu broke through the cultural model and thought of 'Chinese system with the Western implement', trying to discuss the universal 'poetry vision' and 'essay coherence' in terms of Chinese and Western cultures and poetry science. This study achieved the impassable peak in Chinese poetry notes in content and method. The discussion Qian had about those famous poets reflected his unique courage and abundant knowledge.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)