粮食问题是关系国计民生、国家发展、政治稳定、人民安居乐业和社会安定进步的大问题。中国政府历来十分重视粮食问题 ,把粮食生产作为发展国民经济基础的基础。中国是粮食生产和消费大国 ,中国粮食问题的解决直接关系到世界粮食问题的解决和粮食价格的稳定。中华人民共和国成立 5 0多年来 ,粮食生产呈阶段性变化 ,粮食供需总量基本平衡 ,但粮食区域性供求矛盾突出。当前主要问题表现在科技力量投入不足 ,生产成本上升 ,浪费严重等。为解决粮食生产中的宏观问题 ,实现 2 1世纪粮食发展战略目标 。
Grain development exerts great effect upon people's living standard, the nation's development, political stability, social progress, etc. Chinese government has always been paying exceptional attention to this issue, and regarding grain production as the foundation of the development of national economy. Being a big producer and consumer of grain, China can affect other countries in the grain growth and price stability. For over 50 years since the foundation of the People's Republic of China, the grain production has presented periodical changes whereas the total amount being in a general balance in demand and supply, but there are serious conflicts in regional demand and supply. At present, the main problems existing are: no sufficient scientific and technological investment, rise of production cost and serious waste, etc. In order to achieve the goal of strategic grain development in the 21st century, it is necessary to rely on scientific and technological innovation to resolve the macro-problems in grain production.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
grain production, development strategy, scientific and technological innovation