马克思在不同时期以不同的研究向度对人类改造自然进行考察 ,先后以人文的、实践唯物主义的和工程学的分析为切入点来反思技术。在第一个阶段 ,在人文传统的熏陶下 ,他主要思辨地批判哲学与技术之间“始终是疏远的”的状况 ,还不能立足于实证的技术研究建构自然改造论。在第二个阶段 ,他扬弃了人文批判向度 ,转向实践唯物主义的技术批判 ,重视实证地透视自然改造活动 ,取得技术哲学研究的长足进步。在第三个阶段 ,他对许多技术事实及工艺学术语已非常熟悉并能实际把握 ,沿袭自己一贯的社会批判旨趣 ,扬弃了贝克曼的唯技术论技术的工程学分析传统 ,对资本主义制度进行透彻的批判。这三个阶段递次呈现 ,构成马克思技术哲学思想由诞生。
Marx had given reflections on human's activities of changing the nature from different perspectives in different periods, and had formed his three- stage theory on technology by doing humanity analysis, practice-materialist analysis and engineering analysis. In the first stage, influenced by humanity tradition, he mostly metaphysically criticized the order that “philosophy was always alienated with technology', while failing to construct the changing-nature theory based on demonstrative technological studies. In the second stage, sublating the humanity tradition, he turned to praxis-materialism criticism of technology, and attached importance to demonstrative clairvoyance of changing-nature activity and made great progress in the area of philosophy of technology. In the third stage, following his persistent purpose of social criticism and sublating Beckmann“s tradition of engineering analysis that studying technology was only for studying technology's sake, he thoroughly criticized capitalism system on the condition of having mastered many technological facts and terms. The above mentioned three stages came into being successively and symbolized the historical structure of the emerging, growing and maturing of Marx's thought on philosophy of technology.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
Marx, philosophy of technology, history of formation, alienation, criticism of technology