层次包围盒方法用体积略大而几何特性简单的包围盒来近似地描述复杂的几何对象 ,并通过构造树状层次结构来逼近对象的几何模型 ,从而在对包围盒树进行遍历的过程中 ,通过包围盒间的快速相交测试来及早地排除明显不可能相交的基本几何元素对 ,而只对包围盒重叠的部分元素进行进一步的相交测试 ,以提高碰撞检测的速度。包围盒类型的选择是层次包围盒方法的基础和关键。
Bounding volume hierarchy is to approximate the object with a simpler bounding v olume that is a little bigger than the object. In building hierarchies on object , one can obtain more accurate approximations of the objects. Therefore, during traversing bounding volume hierarchy, it speeds up collision detection by prunin g away primitive pairs, which will not intersect clearly though rapid intersecti on test between bounding volumes and just deal with those whose bounding volumes are intersected. The choice of bounding volumes is the basic and key problem of this approach.
Computer and Communications
中国工程物理研究院院外基金资助 (1 9990 5 0 2 3 5 )