首先对基于Internet或Intranet异构数据库构成的信息系统结构进行初步分析。利用Java、XML的特性及分析数据挖掘中数据抽取的特点 ,提出一个基于缓冲数据库的数据抽取的系统结构 ;以便在数据挖掘和开发基于Web/Server的统一信息平台时 ,更便利地进行数据抽取工作。
Firstly, this paper elementarily analyzes the structure of the information system that is constituted by heterogeneous database based on Internet or Intranet. After utilizing the remarkable characteristics of Java and XML, and analyzing the characteristics of data extraction in the process of data mining, this paper presents a systemic structure of data extraction based on buffered DB. The advantage of this systemic structure is convenient to data extracting, when building a criterion information platform of web/server.
Computer & Digital Engineering