owel radioactivity may be seen followingthe administration of some 111 In
or 99m TcMcAbs and consequently interfere with the in-terpretation of abdominal imagcs. In
order toinvestigate the mechanism by which McAbsenter the gut, groups of rats underwent
bileduet ligation while others served as sham op-erated controls. Following i. v. injection of
111In ZME - 018 (IgG 2a. anti - melanomaMcAb), there was no significant differencebetween the
corzibined intestinal wall and fecaliadioactivity in the control rats and the bileduet .ligated
group, suggesting that this McAbwas transported directly across the bowelwall. Following i. v.
injection of 111 In ZCE-025 (IgG1, anti - carcinoembryonic antigenMcAb), there was a 30%
decrease in gut ra-dioactivityin the bile duct ligated rats com-pared to the control group,
suggesting thatboth direct transport across the bowel walland hepatobiliary excretion
contributed tobowel radioactivity
Railway Medical Journal