应用 HID/AB 组织化学染色法,CEA 免疫组化及凝集素亲合组织化学方法对56例大肠息肉研究发现:41例肿瘤性息肉(简称腺瘤)中,HID/AB 粘蛋白染色3例出现唾液酸粘蛋白,且为中、重度不典型增生,而3例化生性息肉有2例显示唾液酸粘蛋白着色。伴有轻、中、重度不典型增生的腺瘤 CEA 阳性率分别为75%、84.6%和100%。WGA、DBA、UEA 和 PNA4种凝集素染色在腺瘤和非肿瘤性息肉间无明显差别。但轻、中和重度不典型增生的腺瘤 PNA 阳性率则分别高达60%、69.2%和100%。化生性息肉3例 PNA 染色均阳性。因此认为唾液酸粘蛋白、CEA 和与 PNA 结合的糖蛋白可能为癌变高发群的生物学标记,且化生性息肉与癌发生的关系值得重视。
By the use of histochemical and immunohistochemical methods,56 cases of colo-rectal polyps were studied.In 41 cases of adenomatous polyps,3 showed sialomucinpositive with moderate and severe dysplasia.The CEA positive rate in mild,mode-rate and severe dysplasia of adenomatous polyps revealed 75%,84.6% and 100% res-pectively.There were direct relationships between PNA positive rate and dysplasia ofadenomatous polyps.So sialomucin,CEA and PNA combined lectin might be thebiological markers of high incidence of malignant changes.As for the relation betweenmetaplastic polyps with pathogenesis of carcinoma justified emphasis.
Tianjin Medical Journal