Abstract This paper describes the background of the formation and development ofsustainable forest management, and makes an analysis of the relation between sus-tainable forest management and the conventional sustainable forest utilization. Sus-tainable forest development is defined at four levels :fairness , harmony, high efficiency ,and stratefication. An analysis is made of the factors such as population growth , climat-ic chanse, natural disasters , inperfect management of forest resources, inadequacy ofinvestment and the lagging in time of forest policy, which influence the sustainableforest development. The principles of role full-playing , cooperation , economy , stabili-ty, reliance and complementariness are susgested. It points to the need of creatins goodexternal circumstances to facilitate sustainable forest development, and delineates themaximum function of social welfare to which the sustainable forest development can ac-crue. It offers a desisn of the indicator system for sustainable forest development , andproposes an international trade in forest products based on sustainable forest developme-nt. Proposals are also made for fosterins human capital , increasins sci-technolosicalinput , promotins the sci-technologic conversion , makins great efforts in afforestation ,settins priority on the development of plantations , promoting the wood utilization effici-ency, setting up an accountins system of sustainable forest development , formulatingdomestic forest policies to be linked with the activities of international community, andcorrectly handling the relation between the natives and the forests.Mr. Liu Can works in the Research institute of Forest Economics, CAF.
World Forestry Research