Abstnact46 cases of ogstruction in netina uein were treated by neinfoncing Qi and actiuating blood circulation for 4 weeks. The nesult is as fouow:The logarithmic uision was naised 2. 37 ± 0. 90,The alsorptiue nate of oo-jing blood in the ocular fundus was 87%; nducing uiscosity 8. 74±1. 17;fib-ninogen 0. 372±0. 033. The leakage under the fluonescein fundus angiognaphy showed to be neducd 34. 8%. The flu-onescence flowing time fnom elbow to antral arteng was 11. 5 ±80. 4%These indexes as aboue, compared between the control and the auto-control , showed statistically significant dif-fernce (P<0.05)m, Its cune effect was bettn than that of urokinase.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine