several new processes for the gaseous olefin production with heavy oil as feedstockhave been successfully developed based on the technique of fluidized catalytic cracking, in which DCC-Ⅰand MGG have been commercialized and the results coincided with those of pilot plants. DCC-Ⅱ and MIOare expected to undergo commercial trial this year. All these processes including DCC-Ⅰ,DCC-Ⅱ,MGG,MIO and CPP can be divided into two categories: MGG, MIO and DCC-Ⅱ belong to the category one,which aims at the production of premium gasoline components and provides substantial amount of C_4 and C_5olefin fraction as feed for etherification, alkylation and oligomerization for the need of reformulated gasoline. The operating conditions of those processes are quite similar or more severe than those of conventionalFCC,DCC-Ⅰ and CPP are classified as category two, which focus mainly on providing ethylene and propylene as petrochemical basic raw material. The liquid products therefor can be selectively hydrotreated andfollowed by solvent extraction to provide alkylbenzenes and alkylnaphthalenes as basic organically chemicalraw material. More p-xylene may be obtained by disproportionation and isomerization of alkylbenzenes.LCO can be solvent extracted into raff mate and extract oil,in which the former is an excellent diesel fuelcomponent and the later can be used as a heat-transmission oil or raw material for water-reducing agent ofcement
Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals