Surgical specimens of 40 patients with human primary hepatocellular carcinoma(PHC) from the high-liver-cancer-incidence region were studied by in situ hybridization with Digoxigenin labelled probe for detecting HBV DNA and with photobiotin labelled probe for detecting expression of C-myc oncgene and by immunohistochemical staining for expression of HBsAg HBcAg and P53gene in PHC and pericancerous liver tissue respectively on formalin-fixed parafin-embedded section. The positive rate of HBV DNA was totally 80%(38/40)in the liver tissue, with 65%(26/40) in PHC tissuc and 73%(8/11) in the pericancerous liver tissue. HBV DNA was found mainly in cytoplasm of hepatocytes and cancer cells and more in the nucleus. More HBV DNA gunules were seen in the cytoplasmlsm than in nucleus. More HBV DNA positive cells were found in the pericancerous tissue than in cancerous tissue. These results showed that most of PHC cases selected were closey associated with the infection of HBV,HBV DNA in the pcricancerous tissue might be of the dissociate form, whie in the cancerous tissue it might be of the integrated form. The Expressive relationship between HBV DNA and HBsAg, UBcAg and C-myc gene,P53 gene in the liver and their pathogenesis are disscussed in this paper.
ACTA Academiae Medicinae Nantong
hepaitis B antigens
DNA viruses, primary hepatocelluar carcinoma
in situ hybridization