Comprehensive physiographic regionalization is one of the most important Study subjects of physical geography. Based on the results of the research project of Sturdy on China's Comprehensive Regionalization' sponsored by the state Corn mission of Education of China the principles and approaches used in China's comprehensive physiographic regionalization as well as the regionalization scheme are explored in this paper.1. The principles for China's comprehensive physiographic regionalization. (1) The principle of making a combination of integrated analysis with predominant factor analysis. It means that while carrying out regionalization we have to combine the analysis of zonal factors with the analysis of ultra-zonal ones. Besides, we can demarcate physiographic boundaries only after finding,out predominant factors causing the Physiographic differentiation and appropriate indices'corresponding to the factors.(2) The principle of genesis.It means that while carrying out the regionalization we have to analyse not only present features of regional natural landscapes, but also their formations and evolutions.(3) The principle of keeping a relative gonsistency between exploitation and utilization of natural resources and direction of environmental improvement. It means that while the regionalization is being carried out not only differential patterns of natural regions have to be clarified as well as formations and evolutions of physiographic features and their regional combinations have to be discovered, but also the directions and measures for rational use of natural resources and natural transformation must be put forward.2. The approaches for China's comprehensive physiographic regionalization. The principal approach used in the regionalization is so called' predominant factor analysis method' which is based on geographic correlation analysis. According to this method, through an integrated analysis of physiographic environmental elem ents of regions and selection of predominant factors and relevant elements most c
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
China, comprehensive physical geography, physiographic regionalization