On the loess plateau there is a lack of three'F', i.e., fuel, fertilizer and forage, with arid climate, water is thought as an important ecological factor impacting the growth and development of plant.Thus it is suggested that it could provide bases for the selecitng of plant speciese to construct energy forest and the building of artificial vegetation with high and stable yield to study the suitability of plants to arid environ ment.Through lens observation to morphorlogical structure of leaf cross section of 19 plants, it is found that theyc could be divided into three groups, indicated as follows, the first group is with ordinary xero-structure, including Rhus typhilla Linn., Onobryhis viciaefolia Sccp., Elaeganus angustifolia L., Lespedeza bicolor Turcz.; the second with evident xero-structure,including Pyrus betulaefolia Linn., Amorpha fruitcosa Linn., Ulmus pumila Linn., Melilotus officicalis (L.) Dest., Medicago sativa Linn., Malus baccata (L.) Borkh., and the third is with more evident xero-structure, they are Hippophae rhamnoides Linn., Tamarix chinensis Lour., Astragalus adsurgens Pall., Salix mongolica Siuzov., Arme niaca silirica (L.) Lam., Cargana korshinskii kom., Robinia pseudoacacia Linn. and Caragana microphylla Lam.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation