
福建省水土流失危害及其防治进展 被引量:1

The harm of soil and water loss and the advancement of harness in Fujian Province
摘要 原是山青水秀、林茂粮丰的八闽大地,由于人为破坏,水土流失越来越严重。如今有些地区,青山不青,乱石嶙峋;秀水不秀,泥流滚滚。据1984年统计,全省水土流失面积1.4万平方公里,比1958年增加了3倍多,占全省总面积的11.2%。水土流失严重的县市,从1966年的22个,扩大到现在的35个,而且县县都有水土流失。由于水土流失危害,使肥土流失,地力衰退;河床抬高,港道淤浅;大量水库淤死,水利工程效益下降;生态平衡失调,自然灾害加重;薪炭短缺,能源紧张。党的十一届三中全会迎来了水土保持的春天。从1982—1988年共7年时间,各部门协同,动员和依靠广大群众,针对实际,采取强化水土保持意识,加强领导;以防为主,以法防治;以点带面,加快治理步伐;完善承包责任制,实行户包治理;搞好部门协作,共同作战和加强科学研究,提高治理水平等综合治理措施,取得了初步的效益。 The land in Fujian that was with picturesque scenery, intensive forest and harvesting grain is with grievous soil and water loss due to the human destruction. At present, some area are with mountain being nol green and rugged rocks, rivers being not clear and flowing mud. According to a statistics in 1984 the whole soil and water loss area of the province is 14,000km^2, being as greater as four times of that in 1958, and occupying 11. 2 % of the total area of the province.The number of counties and cities with serious soil and water loss is increased from 22 in 1966 to 35 at present, soil and water loss could be found in all the counties. The harm of soil and water loss results in the loss of fertile soil, degradation of land productivity, lifting of river bed, deposition of the harbour line, dead reservoir from deposition, reduction of the hydraulic engineering benefits and the shortage of energy resource.Since the Third Plenery Session of the Eleventh Central Committee the spring of soil and water conservation comes. In the seven years from 1982 to 1988 through the coordination of departments, mobilization and relying of the masses, intensifying the consciousness of soil and water loss, strengthening leadership according to actual condition, taking prevention as major work and controlling in law, taking point to bring the whole and to accelerate the harness step, perfecting the responsibility system, performing the harness by household, conducting the coordination of departments, strengthening the scientific and technical research and raising the harness level, etc.,the preliminary benefits are obtained.
作者 贾吉庆
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 1989年第4期1-6,共6页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
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