AbstractThe present paper gives descriptions of 2 new species of Scymnus Kugelann fromChina. Type specimens are deposited in the South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou. 1. Scymnus (Pullus) trimaculatus sp. nov.Body length 2.06-2.53mm; width 1.41-1.85mm.Head brown with dark brown eyes. Pronotum and scutellum brown. Elytra brownwith a black bottle-shaped mark on elytral suture, extending from base to about 1/2length of elytra, and with black lateral margins, extending to about 2/3 length ofelytron and distinctly expanded at posterior half. Venter brown except for blackmeso-and metasternum. The characters of postcoxal line and male genitalia as shownin figs. IF, 1A-D.Holotype: male, No.900301-1,Yunnan (Xishuangbanna), April, 1987, Tong Xiao-li leg.Allotype: female, same data as holotype.Paratypes: 3 males and 1 female, same data as holotype.2. Scymnus (Neopullus) paralleus sp. nov.Body length 1.76-2.22mm; width 1.23-1.35mm.Head dark brown with reddish brown eyes. Pronotum black with narrow anteriorcorners brown. Scutellum black. Elytra brown with dark brown sutural mark, extending from hasal margin to half or 2/3 elytral length, constricted posteriorly,. withdark brown lateral margins. Prosternum brown. Venter of pterothorax dark brown andabdomen brown. The characters of postcoxal line and male genitalia as shown in figs.2F, 2A-D.Holtype: male, No.891009-3, Hebei (Beidaihe), July. 20, 1989, Yu Guoyue andWang Pingping leg.Allotype: female, same data as holotype.Paratypes: 1 male and 2 females, same data as holotype.
Acta Entomologica Sinica