Jinsha River and Yalong River are located in Southwest China, and flow from north to south.Each of the rivers is extremely rich in hydro-energy resources with an estimated water power of over 30,000 MW. Applying principles of hydrometeorology to the analysis of 8, 400 station-year precipitation data, the author describes that these areas have the following charactreistics: low storm strength, few occurring times, small annual variation, and the storm is mainly distributed in the middle and lower reach of the areas. Through the analysis of the 43 rainfall processes that have occurred during the last 14 years, the author has formulated the time and space distribution rule of each storm,and has concluded that the large areas and the prolonged rainfall are the causes of the big floods in these areas. The areas of middle and lower reach is the main flood-producing. The author also discusses the weather situation and the weather system in each of these areas and the topography effect on the rainfall.
Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering