本文利用计算机图象处理技术、NOAA卫星影象资料和实测泥沙含量资料,对黄河入海泥沙的扩散特征和渤海湾表层悬沙分布情况进行了分析,经研究后发现: 1.黄河入海的大部分泥沙沉积在口门附近,只有一小部分向外海运移,扩散。 2.在119°03′E,38°N处经常存在一个清水环流,它起着阻挡黄河泥沙北移的作用。 3.渤海湾表层悬沙的分布,夏季与冬季有明显差别,特别是在黄河口附近海域,冬季由于风浪造成的浅滩掀沙,泥沙等值线与等深线基本一致;夏季则在5号桩附近的外海清水紧靠岸边,阻挡黄河泥沙北移。
Transport of the sediment of Huanghe River into the sea and distribution of surface Suspended Sediment in the Bohai Bay have been studied, by using computer image Processing, and the observed sediment data. We came to the following conclusions that:1.Most of the sediment emptied into the sea from Huanghe river is settled down near the estuary, only a small amount of it is transported toward the sea.2.There is a clear water circulation near the 119°03′E, 38°N, it stops the suspended Sediment transporting toward the north.3.Distribution of surface Suspended Sediment of Bohai Bay in summer is different from that in winter. The sediment isopleth is almost as same as isobath is winter. Insummer, the clear sea water in the area of Wuhao Zhuang is near the coast and obstructs the suspended sediment from transpor ting toward the north.
Journal of Waterway and Harbor