Four meteorites,fallen in Sixiangkou Town of Tai County,Jiangsu Province in 1989,have apparent impact-metamorphic feature. The stones,belonging to L6 chondcite,have been named as Sixiangkou Meteorites by the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Socity.There exist a variety of black veins and fusion lumps with special forms in four stones.The composition varies from matrix to vein and fusion lump in the stones reflect the shock-metamorphic characters of the stones. The olivines with Fa 22. 5-25. 6% and pyroxenes with Fa 21. 5% ,21. 39%in matrix have stable chemical composition and develop, much more cracks.The shock-metamorphic glass was found in cracks. The composition of troilite,kamacite and taenite are also stable in matrix, which a part of them distributed as a veinlet form show the feature of remelting migration. The result of the microprobe analyze for the composition of black veins with many forms shows that there occurs layering in the silicate composition and form Majorite and Ringwoodite belong to impact metamorphic phase. Fe- Ni- FeS consolute bodies. transected silicate veins ,exist iu black veins. The fusion lumps,with inhomogeneous composition,are partly composed by feldspathic constitution and partly composed by mafic constitution.The composition characters show that the Sixiangkou meteorites can be classified as 'E' grade impact-metamorphic phase according to the grade of shock-strength.which corresponds to Dodd and Jayosewich's classification for the L chondcite.
Jiangsu Geology