Abstract The relationship of E1 Nino with the position of subtropical high ridge in early summer and the summer rainfall in shandong peninsula was analysed in this paper.The result indicates that in the second year afer E1 Nino, the position of subtropical high ridge line in early summer will be to the south of the normal and the summer rainfall in shandong peninsula is less than the normal;while in the year next to anti-E1Nino year,the position of the subtropical high ridge line will be to north of the normal,and the summer rainfall in Shandong peninsula is more than the normal.The correlation of the position of the subtropical high ridge line in early summer with the SST over equatoral East Pacific is significantly negative, and it is positive with the southern oscillation index, The best correlation are in the autumn and winter of last year.Based upon this we can predict the position of subtropical high ridge line in early summer one or two season ahead and also provide some information for summer rainfall in Shandong peninsula.
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