With the deepgoing of studies on active fault theory and the raise of engineering evalu ation require-ments,a qualitative evaluation made of the fault activitY can not meet the requlrements of the siting and design of major engineering projects,and so one must try to make quantitative evaluation.In this paper,the author analyzes the present condition of quantitative assessment of fault activities and points out that al-though scientists and engineers have tried and practised some valuable means,it remains in the stage of probing and research ,and so far standards of quantification assessment of fault activities ,which can be com-monly acceptable,have not been established yet.In the paper the author looks forward to the future of quantitative evaluation of fault activities,and points out emphatically several problems that require more attention from now on:1.defining the concep-tion and implication of activity of a fault;2.finding out the main factors which affect the degree of activi-ty of a fault 3.strengthening the study of age determination of fault activity;4.paying great attention to the study of the seismicity and the surface fracture of an active fault;5.quantitatively assessing the fault activiy with probabilistic metod.
Recent Developments in World Seismology
fault activity
quantification assessment
present condition and prospect