In this paper, Three new species of Empididaefrom Maoer mountain in Guangxi are described. Thetypes of new species are deposited in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University.1 Drapetis (Elaphropeza) pilata Yang et Yang,sp. nov.Body length 2. 1~2. 2 mm, wing length 2. 52. 7 mm.Head yellow. Head 0. 9 times longer than high,0. 9 times wider than high. Hairs and bristles on headyellow; ocellar bristles slightly shorter than flagellum.Antenna yellow; flagellum 2. 5 times as long as wide,2. 2 times as long as pedicel; arista brown, 3. 9 timesas long as flagellum. Proboscis yellow, 0. 5 times aslong as head, with yellow hairs; palpus yellow, 0. 6times as long as proboscis, with brownish hairs.Thorax yellow. Thorax 1. 1 times longer thanhigh, 1. 0 times wider than high. Hairs and bristles onthorax yellow. Legs yellow with yellow hairs andbrownish yellow bristles. Fore tibia with 2 dorsal bristles at middle, mid tibia with 1 dorsal bristle at middle,hind tibia with 2 dorsal bristles at middle. Wing hyaline, 2. 4 times as long as wide; viens yellow; relativelengths of 2nd, 3rd, 4th costal sectors 1: 1. 3: 0. 6. Halter pale yellow.Abdomen pale yellow, tergites 4 ~ 6 brown tobrownish black except for narrow median portionspaler. Hairs on abdomen yellow, but those on darkerlateral areas of tergite 6 brown and brush-like.Holotype ♀, paratype 1 ♀, Guangxi; Maoermountain (1 500 m), 1992-08-18, Yang Jikun, YangChunqing.This species is similar to D. (E.) xanthzna Yanget Yang from Yunnan, but may be separated from thelatter by having the wholly yellow thorax. In xanthina,the thorax is yellow with scutellum and median portiono f metanotum brown.2 Drapetis (Elaphropeza) )nedlpu)wtata Yang etYang, cp. nov.Head 3. 1 elm, wing length 3. 2 mm.Head brownish black except for oral margin yellow. Head 0. 9 times longer than high, 0. 9 times widerthan high. Head with dark brown to black hairs andbrownish yellow bristlesl ocellar bristles distinctlylonger than flagellum. Antenna yellow; flagellum 2. 4times as long as wi
Guangxi Sciences
Diptera, Empididae, dance fly, newspecies, Maoer mountain of Guangxi