

An Efficient Curative on Juvenile Myopia:Relation to the Correlation between Accommodation and Convergence of Human Eye
摘要 双眼合象法是一种较有效的青少年近视防治方法。本文借助光学方法验证了双眼视轴集散与晶状体调节联动的生理反射的存在,并利用这一原理研制了一种合象式近视防治仪。与之前的同类近视防治仪比较,该仪器在结构与功能上均有较大改进,完全符合视觉生理的要求。文中还初步讨论了合象式近视防治仪的疗效。 The therapy based on the principle of convergence is an efficient curative on juvenile myopia. It is disclosed by means of an optical method that there exists some correlation between binocular convergence and accommodation of the crystal lenses. A curative appeatus for curing myopia is further developed. Compared with primary ones of the same kinds of appeatuses,this one has more efficient function,and has been improved to meet the requirements of visual physiology. The curative efficiency of this therapy is also discwi in this paper.
出处 《光学仪器》 1994年第3期26-30,共5页 Optical Instruments
关键词 近视 集合 调节 双眼合象法 防治仪 Myopia, Convergence, Accommodation, Fixation
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