
海马结构、杏仁核的基础研究及癫痫外科的临床应用 被引量:2

The application and basical study of IIip-pocampal structure and Amygdaloid nucleus inepilepsia neurosurgery
摘要 本研究包括用WGA—HRP对大鼠杏仁核、海马定向微量注射方法,确定脑内与二者有同源传入联系的结构及二者间相互关系。结合57例难治性癫痫的不同手术方法,术中、术后症状、疗效等分析。结果:海马和杏仁核在脑内广泛区域有同源投射,二者间也存在交互投射。颞叶标准切除有效率为83.3%,脑立体定向术总有效率为71.2%。 he Study includ the metnod of microin-ject WGA-HRP to the Amygdaloid nucleusand Hippocampal formation to find out thesame afferent connections to the two struc-tures. This study combined With the results ofdifferent operating methods of 57 intractableepilepsy,to analysis the changes of figuersduring and ofter operations,and the results ofit. There are greut number of afferent connec-tions to Hyppocampal formation and Amyg-daloid nucleus the same fields in brain.The re-sults also show that the outcome of tempo-ratomy is 83.8%,that of the sterotactic opera-tion is 71.2%.
出处 《功能性和立体定向神经外科杂志》 1994年第3期5-7,共3页
关键词 杏仁核 海马 立体定向术 癫痫 神经外科手术 intractable epilepsyAmygdaloid mucleus Hyppocampus stereo-tactic operation temporotomy
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