Sense and antisense oligodeoxynucleotides designed according to hepatitis B
virus(HBV) DNA weretested for their potential ability of inhibition of HBV gene expression by
detecting HBsAg and HBeAg inthe supernant of an HBV transfected cell line HepG2.2.15 which
can replicate HBV. The antisense CSP iscomplementary to the nucleotides 1974─1955 of HBV
DNA in C region. And it inhibited 84.8%HBsAg and40.0%HBeAg expression at 15μmol/L. Two
days after the withdraw of CSP the inhibitions were still 93.5%and 39.0%respectively. There
were no or only minor inhibitions found in the two sense oligodeoxynu─cleotides. There were
no side effects on the shape or the growth of the host cells at the given concentration. The
results suggest host that antisense CSP have some inhibition effects to HBV.
Journal of First Military Medical University