Although it has been suggested that the cerebellum may influence on, or be influenced by, autonomic centers, the anatomy of these potential connections remains enigmatic, The present study provides evidence of a hypothalamo-cerebellar projection in rat. Microinjections of 1.25% WGA-HRP or HRP were stereotactically placed into the cerebellar cortex(vermis lobules Ⅱ. Ⅲ, Ⅳ, antrior lobe). Following survival times of 24 hours, rats were perfused with 1.0% paraformaldehyde and 1.25% glutaraldehyde. Brains were cut in serial transverse frozen sections at 40 μx and processed using the TMB as the chromogen. In no case did cortical injections involve the cerebellar nuclei. Retrogradely labeled somata were found bilaterally in the hypothalamus with a slight ipsilateral preponderance. The paraventricular nucleus and dorsal hypothalamic area contained the majority of labeled cells. Cell labeling was also seen in lateral, posterior hypothalamic area, retrochiasmatic area and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. These results indicate a direct connection between hypothalamus and the cerebellar cortex.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy