Abundant spores (38 genera and 64 species) have been discovered in theLanyang area, Hainan Island. Among those spores, the spore assemblage occurringin the upper Qingtianxia Formation is characterized by the presence of Lycosporapusilla, and is equivatent to the 'PU' zone established by G. Clayton etc. It canessentially correlate with contemporaneous spore zones in Western Europe, NorthAmerica, the former U. S. S. R. and Guizhou, Gansu and Tibet of Ghina. The ageis early Visean. The spores occurring in the Lower Shiling Formation, besidessome spores that continue from the Qingtianxia Formation, also include some newelements, e. g.: Tholisporites of scoticus,Convolutispora floridia, C. venusta, Disce-rnisporites micromammillatus, Densosporites anulatus,Triquites sp., Verrucosisporitesverucosus etc. Most of these elements are common ones of the NM zone and VF zone established in the Upper Visean in Jingyuan, Gansu, by Gao Lianda. Theyrepresent Middle--Upper Visean. The discovery of these spores is of importantgeological significance. 1) The ages of various Carboniferous Formations aredefined through an analyse of the spore assemblage, i. e.: the Nanhao Formationis not later than Tournaisian, the Qingtianxia: Formation is Tournaisian--earlyVisean, the Shiling Formation is middle--late Visean--Namurran. 2) they havecreated conditions for the stratigraphic correlation of the Carboniferous inside andoutside an island; 3) according to the plant aspects reflected by the spore asse-mblage, combined with the plant fossils discovered in the area, the authors querythe validity of the arguments of the view that in the Carboniferous the Guang-dong continent and Hainan Island belonged to two composite terranes;4) a newidea has been raised that the Variscan fold belt of Hainan Island was formedafter the Namurian.
Geological Review
Carboniferous, Lanyang area
Hainan Island