我院近14年来收治病态窦房结综合征(SSS)共93例,其中60岁以上占大多数(45例,48.4%)。病因以冠心病居首位(70例,75.3%)。提示窦性心动过缓是SSS 最早最常见的表现。本文对SSS 的早期诊断与治疗进行了讨论。
93 cases of admitted patients wi-th Sick Sinus Syndrome(SSS)werereviewed in the recent 14 years.Mostof the them were over 6O year old(45 cases,48.4%).The main cause ofSSS was coronary heart disease(70cases,75.3%).The result suggested t-hat the earliest and the commonestmanifestation of SSS showld be sinusbradycardia The early diagnosis andtreatment of the SSS was also discu-ssed in the paper