对83例心绞痛患者24小时Holter监测到398次无症状心肌缺血(SMI)的资料进行分析,结果表明:(1)SMI 是心绞痛患者心肌缺血的重要组成部分,83例中有61例发生SMI,占总例数73.49%,SMI 398次占发生心肌缺血总次数75.83%。(2)SMI的发生82.16%与日常活动有关,并且有明显的昼夜分布规律,以上午6~10时为发生高峰。
The characteristics of silent myocardial ischemic(SMI)have beenstudied in 83 patients with ang-ina pectoris by holter monitoring.The results have been shown:(1)SMI was an important part of my-ocardial ischemic with angina pee-toris.Among the 83 patients SMIoccured in 61(it accounted for 73.49% of total patients).398 episodesof SMI accounted for 75.83% of to-tal cpisodes of ischemic(528).(2)82.16% SMI was concerned withdialy actions.Meanwhile there isobvious day and night regularity.The frequency of episodes of SMIpeaked in the morning between 6 AMand 10 AM.