五四前 ,直皖斗争主要表现为北洋军阀内部争权夺利的斗争 ;五四运动发生后 ,吴佩孚乘时崛起 ,其主张及行动赢得了各方人士的赞许 ,他所代表的直系成为人们推翻皖派势力的依托力量 ,直皖的派系斗争融汇于人民反对皖系的时代洪流之中 ,使得此后的直皖斗争不仅仅具有派系私争的性质 ,而且带有了某种“正义”与“邪恶”、“民主”与“专制”、“维护国家主权”与“损害国家利益”斗争的进步色彩。
Struggles between Zhi and Wan warlords before May 4 Movement were internal fights for power and benefits among the Northern Warlords.In the aftermath of May 4 Movement Wu Pei fu emerged as a powerful figure and won appraisals from various walks of society for his proposals and action,his Wan Faction became the supporting power in turning over the Zhi Faction,faction struggle between Zhi and Wan warlords had been incorporated into the flood of people's fight against the Wan Faction.From then on struggles between Zhi and Wan warlords took on some progressive colors,it remained a private faction struggle,but also became a kind of struggles between justice vs evil,democracy vs autocracy,and protecting national sovereignty vs hurting national interests
Journal of Historical Science