北朝是中国佛教造像的鼎盛时期 ,然而各个阶段的造像风格却不尽相同 ,景明年间河南豫北地区的石刻造像所表现出的瘦削型“秀骨清像”风格 ,对北魏晚期的佛教造像影响极大 ,为佛教造像全面实现中国化起到了积极的推动作用。本文以几件佛教石刻造像为例 ,对北魏景明年间豫北地区佛教造像题材和艺术风格作以简要论述。
During the Jingming reign of the Northern dynasties,the face and torso of the stone Buddhist stelae were transformed to thin and elongated.It influenced the form of the style of the Chinese Buddhist stelae.Based on several Buddhist stelae excavated from the northern Henan,the article researches the theme and art style of Buddhist stelae during the period.
Cultural Relics of Central China