明至清前期 ,随着海外关系的变化 ,史学也表现出不同的特点。明前期 ,皇朝海外关系是建立在“宣威柔远”政治目的基础之上的。这种关系因郑和“下西洋”的活动达到高潮 ,史学则因此出现了几部反映这种海外关系特点的著作。晚明 ,倭患问题与私人违禁进行海外商贸等问题交织在一起 ,经权衡利弊 ,皇朝开始改变初期的海禁政策 ,私人海外贸易迅速发展 ;与此同时 ,西方殖民者东来 ,与中国开始发生直接的接触 ;随着传教士“精神狩猎”的开始 ,中西文化交流逐渐展开。这些海外关系的特点 ,都在史学中得到体现。清前期是海外关系大倒退的时期 ,中西文化交流逐渐偃息 ,史学的发展也受到影响。
During Ming and Early Qing Dynasties Chinese historiography took on new feature as foreign relations changed.In early Ming times the Dynasty's foreign relations was based on the political aim of displaying power and appeasing aliens.And this kind of relation reached its peak through Zheng He's westward voyages.Several history books about this new foreign relations came into being.In late Ming times pirate peril and illicit foreign trades wove together,through serious considerations the Dynasty changed its precedent prohibiting sea voyage policy,private oversea trade grew rapidly.About at the same time the West colonists came to the East and began to contact China.Along with the Western missionary's 'Spiritual Hunting' began slow Sino West cultural exchanges.These new characteristics in foreign relations were reflected in historiography.A big retreat in foreign relations occurred in early Qing Dynasty,Sino West cultural exchanges came to disappear,the growth of historiography had been adversely affected.
Journal of Historical Science