《天演论》中的进化理念深刻地影响了近代知识精英 ,而康梁究竟何时研读《天演论》 ,学术界一直颇有分歧。一种意见认为《天演论》翻译始于 1 896年秋 ,1 898年正式制板发行 ,和康梁历史进化论无多少学术渊源 ;另一种观点认为始于 1 895年 ,翻译手稿广泛传播 ,社会进化论思想是戊戌变法的有力理论工具。文章对此作了考析 ,并对鲜为人知的南开大学珍藏本作了揭示。
The concepts of evolution influenced modern intellectuals greatly, but when Kang You-wei and Liang Qi-chao began to read Yan Fu's translation intensively, the scholars debated a lot on it. One view was that Yan Fu's manuscript translation began in the autumn in 1896, and it was printed in 1898. It had no relationship with Kang and Liang's historical evolutional concepts; the other held the viewpoints that it was 1895 that Yan Fu's translation started, the manuscript began to spread widely inner ring of Yan Fu's friends, and the concepts of evolution played an important role on WU-XU social transformation. My essay tries to analysis it by historical proofs and demonstrate the previous copy kept in the library of Nan Kai University.
Journal of Historiography