耿淡如先生是现代中国历史学家 ,新中国成立后 ,以治世界中世纪史名闻史坛 ,晚年又致力于西方史学史的教学与研究工作。他培养本专业的研究生、主编《外国史学史》、译介诸多的外国史学名著 ,撰写学术论文 ,是中国的西方史学史学科建设的先行者与奠基者。他关于历史研究的求真精神、史学史的基本概念、西方史学的新陈代谢、学术批判的工作原则、标本与模型兼备的研究方法等许多真知灼见 ,都是可供后人借鉴的思想遗产 。
Mr.Geng Danlu is a famous modern Chinese historian.Since the foundation of People's Republic of China,he has been well known for his study of World Medieval History in academic circles.In his late years,he devoted himself to the teaching and research of western historiography.He has accomplished many achievements,such as the cultivation of graduate students in his profession,the editing of “History of Foreign Historiography”,the translation and introduction of lots of masterpieces in foreign historiography,and the composition of academic papers,etc.Thus,he is regarded as the forerunner and founder of western historiography subject in China.His many profound insights on the study of history are not only the mental heritage for later generations,but also his concrete contribution to the study of western historiography as well.
Journal of Historiography