蒋介石是国民党内“师法”苏俄最主要的倡导者 ,曾经赞同过共产党人的阶级斗争观念 ,他也是孙中山联俄容共政策最主要的支持者之一。基于护党的愿望 ,蒋介石与苏联顾问季山嘉等关系恶化 ,最终导致了三二○事件的发生。蒋之所以会走到三二○事件这一步上来 ,固然是由于他对一些信息的严重误读 ,但不可否认 ,也与其独特的性格和心理状态分不开。
Jiang Jieshi was once an ardent advocator in the Guomintang to learn from Soviet Russia and favored the communist idea of class struggle. He was also one of the most important supporters of Sun Zhongshan's policy to form an alliance with Soviet Russia and tolerate the Communist Party of China. Out of his aspiration to protect the interests of his party his relations with the representative of the Soviet Union deteriorated, which finally led to the “March Twentieth Incident of 1926” (or the “Incident of Zhongshan Military Ship”). The occurrence of this incident was due to his gross misunderstanding of some information, but it cannot be denied that his unique personality and mentality played a great part in the incident.
Historical Research