Since his attempt for the search of own features of images, this development is experienced into 3 steps: 1st step, the fig-ures by the approach of “image” which is esteemed with the delicacy and fineness of ink calligraphy both in forms or entity effect. At this stage it sees hard to speak of Zhang's own characteristics. 2nd step, figures with flowers and birds together. This stage is his own personality forma-tion and development. And the 3rd step is his nowadays' works. It is featured by his omitance both of flower and birds im-ages and figures, in place of flagrancy and beauty of flowers there appear active and jumping colors in various shows. Man sees here no traditional touches, but the inklines of the Chinese paintings is still issu-ing its charms by simple and modest. I think the most enormous achievements of Zhang's paintings is his escaping from the traditional Chinese tastes of “ease” “soul” or “spirit” for “the sense of form” of tra-ditional Chinese painting. He is not imitating the abstract expres-sionism nor is abusing simply the prin-ciple of structuralism, but is showing the life charms of “sense” and “form” of Chi-nese paintings. He is donating this “sense of form” with simple life and pure souls of freedom.
Shanghai Artist