
抑郁性神经症患者精神创伤的临床调查与分析 被引量:3

摘要 通过调查与分析 ,希望进一步了解导致抑郁性神经症的精神创伤的性质和易感人群的年龄、教育程度和性别等方面的特点 ,为此类疾病的病因分析及其防治提供客观的依据。结果表明 :1 不同的年龄、教育程度和性别均有各自敏感的生活事件 ,部分生活事件在任何年龄阶段、教育程度、性别的人群中都可构成精神创伤 ;2 家庭矛盾、个人发展、疾病、失去亲人等生活事件容易构成精神创伤 ,其中家庭矛盾尤为突出 ;3 不可控的生活事件是构成抑郁性神经症近、远期精神创伤的重要基础。可见 ,抑郁性神经症的发病与精神创伤关系密切 ;不同教育程度、年龄、性别对生活事件的体验及其导致精神创伤的程度不同。 The investigation and analysis were aimed at the properties of psychic trauma of depressive neurosis and the characters of patients' age, levels of education, sex and so on in order to provide objective reference for the analysis of the causes of disease,and the prevention and treatment of these diseases. We found: 1) Different age, levels of education and sex had respective sensitive life events. Some life events could construct psychic trauma at any age, level of education and sex. 2) It could construct psychic trauma by family paradox, individual development, loss of kinsfolk and so on. The family conflict was the first factor among these life events. 3) The uncontrollable life events could give rise to depressive neurosis patients' psychic trauma. Our conclusion:There is a close connection between depressive neurosis and psychic trauma: different levels of education , age, and sex have different levels of experiences of life events and psychic trauma.
作者 刘素珍
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期34-36,共3页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 精神创伤 生活事件 抑郁性神经症 性别 年龄 家庭矛盾 疾病 教育程度 体验 个人发展 depressive neurosis, not control life event, psychic trauma.
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