通过对马尔库塞思想的阐述 ,指出 2 0世纪 5 0年代是马尔库塞思想转折的一个重大里程碑 .他提出一种新的解决现代发达工业社会弊端的方法—爱欲解放论 ,并从弗洛伊德精神分析学的产生和发展 ,二战后科技的发展及深刻的精神危机 ,法兰克福学派的“社会批判理论”的影响 ,及马克思早期的异化劳动理论等方面说明他这一思想形成的原因 .马尔库塞站在资本主义社会内部对资本主义的批判 。
The paper indicates a important milestone of turn of Marcus' idea in the 50's of 20th by expounding Marcus' idea growing?up.Marcus tried to provide a new method to eliminate the evils of contemporary developed industrious social by the theory of eros liberation.The paper explaines the reason of forming of Marcus' thought from the producing and developing of Freud's spirit analysis,developing of science and technology and sprit crisis after world war Ⅱ,influence of ' theory of social criticism' of Frank school and theory of alienation labor of Marx's early stage.The fact that Marcus,standing within capitalism society,had criticizd capitalism provided further help for deeply understanding of the evils in contemporary developed society.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology