采用HPLC方法对替考拉宁 3粗原料进行了前处理研究 .试验结果表明 ,当固定相为YGW_C18H37,粒度为 30 - 40 μm ,流动相甲醇∶水 =5∶5 (体积比 ,室温 )时 ,用HPLC方法分离的替考拉宁 3产品 。
The raw material of Teicoplanin_3 is pretreated by HPLC method.The experimental results prove that Teicoplanin_3 makes it most suitable for further separating and purifying by Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography when YGW_C 18 H 37 is employed as stationary phase,the range of its particle size is 30-40 μm,and flow phase is a 5∶5(volume ratio) mixture of methanol and water in room temperature.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology